sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Writing assignment

When I was ten years old, I used to be a restless, playful, and prankish child. Moreover, I enjoyed bothering other people; but fortunately, I was not alone. My cousin, who was nine, was my perfect partner. However, in many opportunities we were punished by our grandfather because we had been causing some problems to our aunts.  For instance, one of my aunts was so angry because we had been throwing eggs to her house. Nevertheless, in my humble opinion, that was not a strong reason for being angry with us because we threw the eggs directly to the smokestack, therefore, our accuracy was amazing. In another opportunity, I was punished by my grandfather because I had been kicking a ball to the door of his house. As you could notice, when I was ten, I used to be punished by my grandfather because of the pranks that I made. Probably, it should be important to mention that at that time, I was in fifth grade and I was an ordinary student. My weird behavior used to emerge only with my family.

Now, in my opinion, it is necessary to talk about what is happening nowadays. On one hand, I am trying to organize my mind because there are many things to do at the university. Some of them have to do with tests, and of course, I hate them. On the other hand, and this has my major concern, I am worried about what to eat now. I am not sure if I want something sweet or salad, or probably it is just my gluttony which is trying to convince me that I need something to eat. This is really uncomfortable because I cannot develop this story with my stomach “talking” to me using weird sounds. Honestly, now I am wondering if what I am writing now is a story or a biography.

Ok, maybe it is time to think about my future. I imagine myself working as a teacher in the future trying to develop different activities with my students. And of course, there will be someone supervising the development of my work as a teacher. Therefore, I think that I will be dancing with my students when the principal enters the classroom. I will be running inside the classroom trying to catch my students when the principal enters the classroom. I will be performing some magic tricks in front of my students when the principal enters the classroom. I will be dressing up like a superhero when the principal enters the room. I will be imitating the principal in front of my students when he enters the classroom. And then, of course, I will be fired.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Story number 3

First scene:
P: Hey guys! Will you be watching the football match next Saturday evening?
A-R: Yes, we will.
P: That’s nice. It’s a great opportunity to invite you over.
A: But Francisco, it is better to watch the match at the stadium.
R: An event like this one occurs just once in a lifetime.
P: Hey! My swimming pool is ready, and Charlot, Gisselle, and Cecilia are ready! They’ll be waiting for you!
A: mmm… We should consider his offer, Ricardo.
R: I totally agree with you Ángel. Let’s think about this tomorrow.

Second scene: The day of the match.
P: Hi guys! And… What will you be doing tonight?
A: We will be causing some troubles to the Ranger’s fans. Muahahaha.
R: Well, honestly, we haven’t thought it through, Francisco.
P: Let me tell you something, I won’t be going to the stadium tonight. I decided to stay in with my girls.
A: Francisco, come on man, UCH, which is the best South American football team, deserves to be seen by us.
P: Guys! You should consider that my girls, who are horny for us, deserve to be satisfied and well treated.
R: mmm… crazy girls v/s going to the stadium… I prefer the crazy girls.
 A: So do I Ricardo.
P: OK, no more words, let’s go to my place!

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Story number 2


Ricardo and Angel are very good friends until…

Ángel: Ricardo, could you do me a favor?
Ricardo: Yes, of course.
A: Would you mind taking care of my girlfriend while I’m visiting my lover tomorrow?
R: Yes I would, it’s always a pleasure to make my friends happy. By the way, do you agree if I take care of her at my place? I had been waiting for a new episode of Infieles for two months.
A: I totally agree with you Ricardo, I trust in you and you have never dissapointed me.

The day after…

R: Hello Angel, is everything ready for today?
A: Yes it is, but there is a problem. My girlfriend wants to invite one of her friends to your place, is that a problem to you?
R: No, I don’t see the problem, the more the merrier. I really like having company.
A: So do I, It is like a challenge to keep two girls entertained, but I cannot stand women complaining every time when they feel bored, but I trust in you my friend.
R: Neither can I my friend.

Last scene…

R: Hello my friend, hey! she looks tired or something.
A: Hello Ricardo. Well, she looked tired because they had been making up for three hours before coming.
R: I thought they had been cooking before coming here; there is a rare smell in the air, like seafood.
A: I would like to say that I really trust in you my friend. I used to have a friend that cheated on me; I had been trusting on him during all my life, until he cheated on me two years ago.
R: Angel my friend I have to confess you something.
A: What is it?
R: Well, I had been cheating on you until you came here and knocked my door period.
A: (crying) I never thought that you would cheat on me.
R: Friend, I’m not guilty, your girlfriend gets the blame. She was flirting at me all the time while we were watching infieles. You should kill her.


miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

A very short story D:

Leon Kennedy used to be an ordinary child. He enjoyed to travel to the beach with his parents, and that is the reason why every summer they would go to a beach located in Raccoon city. When Leon was there, he was used to being naked because he liked to feel the fresh air on his skin.

Everything seemed normal, however, weird things happened every night because Leon used to have nightmares with zombies. Unfortunately, Leon got used to having those nightmares in which the zombies attacked him. 

When he grew up, he became a police man, and every night, he got used to facing the zombies with his favourite gun, a magnum called the Broken Butterfly.

The audio file is in the following link: http://www.ivoox.com/a-very-short-story-using-used-to-would-audios-mp3_rf_1380687_1.html

Some examples about the use of: used to, would, be used to, and get used to.

1.- I used to listen to Los Prisioneros when I was a teenager.
2.- I would go to Iloca every summer with my parents and cousins.
3.- I am used to listening to music when I go to the university.
4.- Since I am in a relationship, I got used to arriving late to my home.